It's official - I am my second graders mom. Yesterday was Alex's first day of the second grade! He was excited to start the day off with pancakes with strawberries which is a favorite in our house. Breakfast went back to cereal and toast this morning, the second day of school but for the first day of school, you have to go all out right?
As we were eating last night, we had the following conversation
Mom: What was the best part of the second grade? Alex: Lunch and recess Mom: What was the worst part? Alex: The school part
It's such a drag when education gets in the way of lunch and recess
WARNING - THE NEXT FEW POSTS WILL HAVE TONS OF PICTURES! I'm finally getting around to posting about some of the fun we've had this summer. A few weeks ago, we drove back to the Twin Cities to see my family and to go to the Science Museum in St. Paul for the Star Wars Exhibit. Alex is a big Star Wars fan so when I heard that the exhibit was coming to St. Paul, I knew he would enjoy himself.
I had some errands to run Sunday morning, so Alex, uncle Jerry and aunt Joellen packed a breakfast and ate on the pontoon boat. Alex was so excited to tell me all about his navigation skills when I returned because Jerry let him drive the boat. They also put a few fishing poles in the water, but not biters. It was difficult getting Alex away from the lake - he is all about fishing right now and is all business when he is fishing. Seriously - look at the picture above....that is his "fishing" face. After I finally got him out of the boat, he had to spend a few minutes with cousin Joel's dog Daisy. Daisy has recently been forced to share his domain with a new puppy so he was excited to have Alex's undivided attention to himself.
My bestest girlfriend Steph came with us to the science museum. You know you have a good girlfriend on your hands when you haven't seen each other in a few months, but you're able to pick up right where you left off.
Alex's favorite part was seeing all of the mucus that lives in your nose, armpits,ears, etc under the microscope. We eventually had to pull him away from that exhibit
So I flew into Vegas on Wednesday and arrived around 1:00, grabbed a Taxi to the hotel that I was staying at, which is the new Planet Hollywood hotel, and checked in. I could have gone shopping, I could have checked into the spa, I could have walked the strip. However, I took a two hour nap! Yummy....
Here is a picture of the suite at ph and a snap shot of a view of the strip from my room. The room was very retro with three flat screen television inside. Who needs three flat screen televison in a hotel room?
I woke up to an angry Michael knocking on the door. Apparently, I was suppose to stay awake to let him in the hotel room because he didn't want to walk downstairs to get an extra key. He had been standing outside for about ten minutes before I awoke. He jumped on the computer right away and started working away. About an hour later, we left to grab something to eat and drove to Treasure Island hotel to see Mystere which is one of the oldest cirque du soleil shows.
What those people can do with their bodies is amazing to me! I wore this very sexy red BCBG dress that slits right up the leg...and all the way up the leg ;) It was a head turner!
Thursday morning, Michael had appointments set to look for new offices for his brother who is expanding his bankruptcy law firm to Vegas. He woke early to work and write down driving directions since we didn't have a printer in the suite. I received a call from a lady who the PTO group is working with for our fall fundraiser so I asked Michael for a piece of paper. He handed me the entire notebook and I wrote some notes and left the notebook in the TV room. We left the hotel and got around the block when Michael started digging for the directions. He couldn't find them and I said "maybe it's on the notebook you gave me". He ran up to the room (on the 34th floor) and 10 minutes later, came downstairs with a notebook frustrated because it wasn't there. Spent another 5 minutes looking before he decided to run back upstairs (we now 10 minutes late for our first appointment) came downstairs 15 minutes later with my pen and the notebook he gave me which had the directions on. Not the best way to start the day.
We spent most of the day driving around Las Vegas, meeting with real estate agents looking at office space. I took care of calling around to find a restaurant that was impressive but not too expensive. Yeah, that's an easy task!
The highlight of the trip for me was seeing Jersey Boys at the Palazzo. I had heard very good reviews on this show, but didn't expect that I would love it as much as I did by the end of the show. It's AMAZING and if you get the chance, go see this play!!! However, don't order a Bacardi/redbull at the's $20!!! Anyway, back to the show....I even cried, but I won't tell you much more than that because I wouldn't want to ruin anything. Trust me though...go see this show! I thought this would be one of those jukebox singing shows, but it was so much more! I would seriously put this up there with Wicked and Les Miserables.
The shows were great and Vegas was wonderful, but the most difficult part of the trip was me finding myself falling for the guy that broke my heart once already * do I really want to go through this again? My girlfriend told me to not look at this trip as a devotion of his affection for me and that is exactly what I tried to do. However, I found myself at the end of the trip crying because I could feel my head fighting with my heart.
I'm so excited!!! My friend some of you might remember as the email dumper going to be in Vegas for a football draft. We haven't seen each other in months and he asked if I could meet him in Vegas. With money being so tight right now because of lawyers bills, I declined. However, he offered to pay for everything and the voices screaming in my head saying "I need a vacation" overruled the "this is completely inappropriate" voices in my head!!!
So, in seven days, I'll be flying to Vegas. It's not only the vacation that I am excited about - I do miss him and am very excited to see him!
Now...on to more important issues like....what do I wear?
Alex and I ventured out to the Sioux Empire Fair on Wednesday. I hate carnival rides and can't handle anything more than the carousal rides, but Alex LOVES them. Luckily, my friend Angie and her brother Scott were at the fair that day as well, so they went on a majority of the rides with big Al and I was the "designated bag holder". Not everyone can handle such and important job, but luckily, I'm fearless.
This is a snapshot that I just threw in to tell you Alex's new favorite pastime - fishing. He LOVES it. The guy in the picture is my sister's friend, Chris who Alex adores. Chris is so incredibly patient with him and as a single mom, I am so appreciative of my uncles, cousins, and friends who have stepped up to be a positive male influence on Alex.