Yes, that is Alex in a 49ers shirt. He has never liked the Vikings and is always razzing his mom for drinking way too much purple kool-aid every year. We sat next to a group of season ticket holders so there was allot of camaraderie and laughs all around. When we first sat down, they were chanting "super bowl...supper bowl". Ahh..there are some vikings fans I can relate to - blindly optimistic.
First touchdown of the game

I don't remember it being that loud in the inflatable toilet since 2000 when we had Moss and Carter on the field.
Half-time show including the US Marine and they were defiantly more entertaining then the third quarter of this game.

Our purple friends who were chanting "supper bowl" when we first sat down quickly changed their tune to "fire chilly" and yelling profanities like "different effing quarterback...same effing team" My son took the opportunities to razz them when the 49ers took the lead

If he inherited anything from me, it's my BS gene
It all came down to one last play of the game. Vikings trailed 20-24 with seconds left on the clock.

Thousands of people had already left the dome including the emotionally spent fans behind us who left with 1:44 left in the 4th quarter because they wanted to beat the crowd. What a bunch of dopes! I told them that we still had 3 timeouts and one of the best QB's to have played the game, but they just grumbled and said it wouldn't be worth their time to stay. They missed one of the best finishes in Vikings history. It was a great throw by the Favre master, but the catch was OUTSTANDING
How he was able to get both feet in the endzone is beyond me. It was so loud in the metrotoilet, you could not hear the start of the skol vikings song (which is played after every touchdown). Everyone was giving high fives and hugs - it was amazing. The 49ers challenged the play and when the ruling came back that it was indeed a touchdown - we celebrated again!

The best part, however, was that apparently Favre delivered more than a touchdown pass! He and Peterson managed to bring in a new four-foot fan that day!