What I didn’t realize was that this particular mommy/son date was occurring on the exact date/time as the annual pup crawl in Brookings. In case you’re wondering, a pub crawl is a very sophisticated event where local college students and brewery enthusiast around start from one end of the street and hit every bar downtown. This event is in full-swing in the early morning so by 11:00, you could say only the strong have survived.
As we were leaving the pizza parlor, a kid approaches me, with my son next to me, and proposes marriage saying “you’re so stinking hot”. If that won’t knock girl’s socks off…….
I ignored him and walked away but made sure to inform Alex is I ever caught him acting that obnoxious, I’d…..well, it wouldn’t be pretty.
Then last night, we were passing through Brookings and Alex had a friend along in the backseat. Alex informs the friend “you do not want to be down here when there is a pub crawl because there are a lot of drunks. One guy even asked my mom to marry him!!!”
To which the friend responded “Wow! He asked YOUR MOM to marry him? He MUST have been drunk”