Even the dogs wanted to get Haley a gift!

After eating tons of cake, per Haley's request, we went to see Paranormal Activity 2 - and I hate scary movies. I don't understand why anyone would pay to have the life scared out of them. I've been married twice - that's scary enough.
I made it through about 20 minutes before I ditched the group to go see Jackass in 3D - which was equally as stupid but I didn't have to sleep with the light on after the movie
Anyway, back to Halley....she is about as fabulous as any 15 year old can be. She's smart and funny - and positively stunning. She is her father's baby and those big brown eyes could melt anyone's heart. I love her artistic side and how she refuses to follow with the trends of her school mates and chooses to march to the beat of her own drum. Happy birthday Haley - and lots of love