Life as we know it is returning! I am such a better mom when school is in session because it forces me to stick to a schedule and become more organized. Today is the first day of school for Alex who is now a first grader! There were many mom's like Jamie :-) who were in tears because their babies are starting school. No doubt, I was one last year and thought I would be one again this year. Nope - couldn't have dropped Alex off at school early enough this morning. The morning started off well, but then it took an ugly turn when apparently every kid in school knows how to read VERY WELL except Alex. Mom explained, you go to school to learn and everyone is nervous about their first day...you do your best...blah blah blah but after spending the morning fighting every excuse, we took a sharp right at the school, opened the door and booted him out.
So what have I been doing since my last post? Well, obviously revamping my blog, enjoying the remains of summertime with Alex after I finished my summer semester, had a kidney infection (fun) spent some time with friends, went on a first date, experienced daycare issues, my aunt is engaged to be married this November, Alex was in sporties for shorties and invention camp, and I had a minor fender bender where I realized my license tags expired in January of 2007. So which one do you want me expand on? The kidney infection? Okay - well that was fun!!! I had these back pains that I kept ignoring because I thought I was just sleeping wrong. Then I started vomiting so I figured I had better go to the clinic. Spending the night in a hospital was out of the question since there was a little six-year-old at home and social services usually frown on that so we rented every Scooby Doo movie that was in our small town and laid around for a few nights. I explained to Alex that mom wasn't feeling well and asked him what he wants for supper (first mistake). What did young Alex request....ROAST! Apparently rack of lamb wasn't sounding good that night? He settled for a P&B sandwich.
I'm so happy to be back to blogging and catch up on your lives. You have all been in my thoughts so don't think for a second that I haven't wondered what's been going on with you divas!!!
I as wondering where you were!! Glad you are back and the blog looks good!
This morning was harder for me than Marissa that is for sure. Thanks for saying it will be ok!! :)
Diva? That made me laugh! I'm nothing close to that - at least not in my opinion. That was funny to me.
Anyway, I'm glad your back and feeling better. We've missed you around here.
I am so glad you are back and feeling better. You've been missed FOR SURE!!!
Okay, am I the ONLY one that is going to ask about the FIRST DATE????! DO TELL!
don't let diva kerrie fool you;-)
i've missed your wit. i love the line about 'sharp right at the school and booted him out!'...very classic.
i hope you are doing 100% better. you've been missed.
Glad your back.
I didn't know you had kindney infection. I'm glad you are feeling better.
Kidney infection? That's boring stuff...I wanted all the details of the 1st date!
HA - You guys are funny Amber and Tracy! I'd want the dirt as well ;)
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