Friday, September 28, 2007

Happy Friday

I received this clips in an e-mail and thought they were so wonderful! Enjoy and have a great weekend.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Amy is checking up on me so I thought I would post. Alex made me a birthday card last week that really shows the effect my parenting is having on him. On the front, it says "Mom Rocks" and has a DQ ice cream on the cover. In the inside, it has a paper pickle and the bottom has a picture of me in my car with the police following. His friend wrote "Amanda speeding" and "The Cops Chasing Amanda". Hmmm - wonder if his parents will ever let their son stay at our house after that one? I'll post a picture of the card tomorrow.

I had my first jewelry party this weekend. I've become an Independent Advisor for Lia Sophia ( and my girlfriend Steph hosted a party this past weekend in Minneapolis. It stunk and I hit two pheasants on the way to the cities. The bird was stuck in my grill the entire way there! I pulled into a gas station and gave my most pathetic girly look to the attendant and he did get the bird out for me. Pictures to come later....

My son made me very very proud yesterday. The school is doing a fundraiser for new playground equipment and for every 5 items they sell, they receive a dog tag. He sold enough to receive 3 tags and was so excited to get his third. However, he found out that another kid had lost his tag so Alex gave him his! It was such a generous offer and I know how hard he worked for that dog tag! I told him that I was so proud of him because it showed empathy and it takes a very strong little man to do something so unselfish. Ahhh - proud mommy moment.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Loosing My Mommy Card

If any of you had any respect for me before - get ready to loose it.

I had to run to Minneapolis this weekend but since Alex had a friend sleepover on Friday night, we didn't leave until early Saturday afternoon. I should have taken the interstate, but decided to take some backroads that force be to drive 55mph until I ready to vomit. So...given the late start and the agitation that we'd only been on the road for 60minutes and I was already hearing "are we there yet", it's probably needless to say but I had a heavy foot. I had just warmed my little Taurus up enough to where we were able to drive 70mph when I seen little Mr. Highway Patrol. Alex starts singing the Jr. Brown Song "Highway Patrol" (it goes...I got a star on my car and one on my chest) when I turn around to say "Alex, mom needs to to pretend that your sick". Yep....that's right...I asked my son to fake being sick so I had an excuse to why I was driving like a maniac! Wait - it doesn't stop at the request. I actually pinched his cheeks a bit to make him look flushed!!!! The officer was so nice and told me to slow it down and gave me a warning (which I think he would have even if I didn't have a flu-bitten child in the backseat) but owe the guilt.

This will buy him another 6-months on the coach.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lets Bow Our Heads

For Today -

When someone at works stops me and say - hey, can you finish this project for me? Rather than saying "you lazy a*$#&(^ do it yourself" I'm going to pray

When my son whimpers or whines, rather than saying "you want me to give you something to whine about" I'm going to pray

When I get behind the driver who just loves to gaze out the window and check out the local neighborhood rather than the road in front of him/her, rather than saying "hey moron, why don't you try DRIVING or try getting the H*ll out of my way" I'm going to pray

When my ex husband calls and says "I'd really like to help you out with child support this month but I just can't", rather than saying "I'd really like to tie weights to the bottom of your ankles and then go on a boating trip" I'm going to pray.

When someone at class this evening starts a declarative sentence with "like" and then finishes with her voice going up as though it's a question, rather than saying "hey dumba**, GRAMMER 101 CALLED AND SAID THEY WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU" I'm going to pray.

So - If you see me and you think I'm sleeping, I'll be praying.

Monday, September 10, 2007

It's Monday

If you need to find me, I am going to be hanging by the cooler most of the day!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sing Along

It's here baby! Minnesota Football!!!!


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor-Free Weekend

I hope you all had a great weekend! Alex was with his dad for the holiday weekend so I decided to get myself out of the house as well. I drove to the cities and ran like a maniac all weekend. We were suppose to leave on Friday, but conflicts arose and I wasn't able to leave until Saturday. My friend and I were going to go to the Twin's game but by the time we arrived they were already entering the 4th inning and the stop serving beer by the 7th so we went to Joe Sensor's to watch the rest of the game and grab a bite to eat. Visited family (not at the bar but at their house) and since we didn't go to the Twin's game, my friend thought he could manage to suffer through a few hours at the dome for the Gopher's football game. The Uof M has a new football coach so he was under a lot of pressure to do well....and TOTALLY BLEW IT! We arrived at the game, sat down, took a sip of my beer and what seemed like only a few seconds, the other team had already scored!!!! Yikes. However, Minnesota did rally in the 2nd half to make the game interesting, but Bowling Green scored on a 2-pt conversion in overtime. The Twin's game on Sunday stunk ever worse!!! But - we did have AWESOME seats so it's always a fun-filled day if I can sit up close and personal next to cute baseball players ;) Come on know what I'm talking about here! Before we left, we went to the Renaissance Festival and had supper at the Wildfire before heading home.