If any of you had any respect for me before - get ready to loose it.
I had to run to Minneapolis this weekend but since Alex had a friend sleepover on Friday night, we didn't leave until early Saturday afternoon. I should have taken the interstate, but decided to take some backroads that force be to drive 55mph until I ready to vomit. So...given the late start and the agitation that we'd only been on the road for 60minutes and I was already hearing "are we there yet", it's probably needless to say but I had a heavy foot. I had just warmed my little Taurus up enough to where we were able to drive 70mph when I seen little Mr. Highway Patrol. Alex starts singing the Jr. Brown Song "Highway Patrol" (it goes...I got a star on my car and one on my chest) when I turn around to say "Alex, mom needs to to pretend that your sick". Yep....that's right...I asked my son to fake being sick so I had an excuse to why I was driving like a maniac! Wait - it doesn't stop at the request. I actually pinched his cheeks a bit to make him look flushed!!!! The officer was so nice and told me to slow it down and gave me a warning (which I think he would have even if I didn't have a flu-bitten child in the backseat) but owe the guilt.
This will buy him another 6-months on the coach.
I am actually LAUGHING MY BEHIND OFF!! That my dear, is quick thinking!!!
That is such a good one. I love the fact that you actually pinched his cheeks to get the full effect. HAHA :)
That is the funniest thing I have read in a long time! I came to your site through Jamie's blog. That is very funny! I will have to remember that for future encounters!
Whew! So glad you got out of that one.
That was a good idea to fake being sick. hehe
Wish I would've thought of that once.
SHUT! UP! You didn't....did you?
Oh - I totally did Kerrie! I've started my child on a life of crime at a young age.
CPS is on their way!
Well now that's one I've never heard before! So what was you're story? You were a South Dakotan rushing across the border to Minnesota because all the hospitals in SD were full? TOO FUNNY!
Amy - my story was we were trying to get into Granite Falls so he could use the bathroom. We were traveling on a VERY quite hwy that doesn't include many towns - hints why we needed to rush when Alex said that he didn't feel well.
Woman, you just crack me up.
Happy Birthday tomorrow. (I'm sneeky like that.) :)
Kerrie - you sneeky turd!
Did I see that someone's having a birthday?
ROFL!!! I am totally laughing right now, thanks for the idea (ahem) I mean I would never....never thought of such a clever scheme that is-LOL!!
Post this for November-I'm still laughing!!!
I just read it was your birthday. Happy Belated Birthday!!!!
God Bless,
Okay Amanda - did the police haul you away or was it the birthday celebration that's keeping you???
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