Last night at the grocery store -
Alex: Mom, can we get some ice cream?
Mom: Sure, you can pick which flavor you would like
Alex of course picks chocolate chocolate chip
Alex: Mom, can we get some chocolate syrup to put on the ice cream?
Mom: Alex, you don't need chocolate syrup on chocolate chocolate chip ice cream
Alex: But Mom....I'm on a diet!
In that case...
I would love to be on that diet too!
Well, if that's his thoughts of being on a diet, then I'm on a diet, too!
Dear Alex,
If you maintain that diet, I can hook you up with a P.O.S. chart I saw the other day. You'll never be the same.
Your friend,
HA - Kerrie...you CRACK ME UP
hey, did you tick that checker off the other day...or did the sight of my ornery kids coming to her lane do it? she apparently had not been sipping from the holly nog yet...because she was GRUMPY!
She is always a crab!!! Maybe it's me...
Gotta love that diet!!!
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