Steph and I chat a few times throughout the day via email since we live 250 miles apart. Alex and I had so many errands to run on Tuesday night and he didn't fall asleep until 10:30 - his normal bedtime is 8:00 and he is out by 8:30 so needless to say, Wednesday morning was not pretty. I began wondering what I could get on eBay for the 4-footer.
While talking to Steph about our awful morning, I made a comment regarding her sister (who is pregnant) taking my Alex in for awhile rather than having a new baby. We chuckled about it and went on with our day. A few hours later, she e-mailed me and said that her sister needs my prayers urgently. She was rushed off to the hospital but Steph did not have anymore information beyond that. Later that afternoon, she lost her baby. The comment I made earlier ran through my head for the rest of the day. Of course I didn't mean it, but Stephanie's sister baby reminded me of how precious life is and how fortunate I am to have a healthy kid who is strong enough to test my patience.
We arrived home last night, had McDonald's so there were no dishes to do, left the laundry piled in the basement, left the vacuum in the closet and just played monopoly, read, and watched an episode of Scooby Doo. Saying our prayers and tucking him in last night gave my goosebumps and I hugged him for a few minutes longer than I normally would. I know that he will continue to test me and I will probably loose my cool again, but I won't forget the blessing that he is to my life.