Shouldn't it work the opposite way? You know, when you're having a down day, your kid is supper well behaved and when you're up for the challenge of wrestling the 4-foot terror, he can act out and test those boundaries. Is everyone’s child like this? No doubt that Alex is a little more anxious than other children which is more than likely because of the insecurities that comes with the tension that he must have felt in the house when I was still married to his father. He has no vivid memories of the abuse, but I know that his little sensors were keenly aware of when his mom was safe and not so safe.
Perhaps I read too much into situations, but I know that Alex reads every emotion I feel and sometimes it's incredibly frustrating. He is like a four-foot mood ring!
Well at least you know what to expect when you get up in the morning.
He just loves his mom so much.
That photo is simply precious, by the way.
I know this is a serious post but your comment about living in SD where the sky and the ground are the same color, and about Alex being a four foot mood ring - well it made me laugh.
Isn't it amazing how sensitive our kids can be. I've noticed my kids react the same way as Alex and I guess it just pushes me to try to be in a good mood and keep a happy face. Easier said than done - yes! But if it's what it takes to make my kids feel better about the day it's worth it!
"He is like a four-foot mood ring!" Loved that.
Because the two of you live alone, I think that this is bound to happen. If Justin is in a crappy mood, it's impossible for me to see rainbows.
Laughing at Kerrie...
This will probably help him in a relationship some day! Most men cannot sense a thing!
I agree with Tracy. He is already WAY AHEAD of men 3 times his age! I think every kid is like this. I know when I am tired and just need an evening to not think, that is when Cooper is pressing my buttons harder than on any other normal day. Hang in there.
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