Sunday, March 30, 2008

Finally...Easter Pictures

Guess who finally got around to posting pictures from Easter!! As I said earlier, we drove to the twin cities on Thursday night for the Easter holiday. I was able to spend some time with by best friend Steph on Friday and Saturday, I took Alex and my cousin Sheila's daughter to the new Nickelodeon Park in Bloomington. I use to attend a nondenominational church at what use to be Camp Snoopy and Alex attended Sunday School in the Kids Quest Center so what is an amusement park to most kids, Alex will refer to as "church" but he really has a good reason to.

Saturday night, of course, we were in the hospital and didn't make church Sunday morning which was really weird. My aunt and uncle did wake us up for Easter brunch though and man we were glad that we didn't miss out on that!!! Tons of great foods from the best cooks in Minnesota!

And guess what today is????


Thursday, March 27, 2008


Here is a picture of Alex with my cousin daughter Katelyn at the Nickelodeon park which is the new amusement park at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota.

Alex is a little thrill seeker. I'm really not into rides....something about being suspended in the air and having my insides shaken up that just doesn't do it for me. Alex, however, was all about it. I did force myself to go on the roller coaster with him and at one point, I looked over at him and his little butt wasn't even touching the seat! He was laughing and giggling through the whole ride though - mom was green by the end of the ride. I'm not sure if it was the ride or seeing my only child suspended in the air with only a bar across his chest to save him from plummeting to the ground.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Always Be Prepared

Okay - here is the last Alex line for the week.

We went to the new Nickelodeon Park at the Mall of America this past weekend. Some of the rides were the same with different characters, some rides were omitted, and some new ones took the place of the old rides. Luckily, one of our favorite rides, the Log Chute, was still there! The log chute is this mini roller coaster that goes through water and if you shake the log just right, you can get wet.

After the ride, Alex comes out shaking his head and says.....are you ready......

"Mom, I have water in my ears. Do we have insurance for that?"

He was pretty entertaining this weekend but I promise this will be the last "Alex one liner" for the week. I'll get around to posting pictures from our holiday weekend tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Time To Groom?

Let me set the scene for this story....

It was around 11:30pm on Saturday. Alex was lying in a bed at the hospital receiving a nebulizer and oxygen treatment and I was leaning over him, stroking his hair back and singing to him in hopes of calming him down. Alex looked so vulnerable in that hospital bed and every fiber of my mommy being wanted to pick him up and cuddle him and make everything better.

Leaning over Alex and looking into his big blue eyes, he pushes aside his nebulizer masks and mustered enough energy to tell me one very important observation.

In a weak voice, he says "mom, you need to do something about your nose hairs"

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter ER Visit

Alex had an emergency room visit this past weekend. We drove to the twin cities on Thursday to spend time with my family and Alex started having trouble breathing on Friday night. I took Alex and my cousins daughter Katelyn to the MOA new Nickelodeon park on Saturday and he was fine, but when we arrived at my cousins home to color some Easter eggs with the kids, his asthma started acting up again which makes us wonder if he is allergic to something in the house.

We went in to the ER around 7:30pm and didn't get out of there until 1:20am! One of the nurses asked Alex if he wanted something to drink after a nebulizer treatment and he nodded his head saying apple juice would be wonderful. When the nurse brought him his apple juice, Alex looked at me and said "Wow mom....we should stay here because they take REALLY good care of me and everything is free".

Yeah - you bet Alex....everything is free.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I really don't want my blog to sound like Carrie Bradshaw, but for awhile, it may because this seems to be what's going on in my life and I have no problem spilling the news in my life and soliciting the advice from strangers :)

I broke down and called "Bob the email guy" yesterday. I hadn't heard from him since the email heard around Madtown last Wednesday and I couldn't leave the relationship without a few last VERBAL words.

One of the things that we touched on was my desire to have more kids and his lack of time in the near future to really foresee that being a possibility. I have discussed my want to remarry and have more children because that is what I'm dating for. Isn't that WHAT you date for? Maybe I'm completely wrong and this would explain why I have been proposed to five times and married twice....I date for the prospect of getting married. I've never been in a dating relationship where we're just "hanging out". It seems senseless to me. I've been on dates where I prayed that I would slip into a comma so I didn't have to spend one more second with the guy I was with and they, to me, were easy ones to let go of. They may have been handsome, successful, or educated, but bored me to death and I need for a guy to be able to keep me intellectually stimulated.

Would he make a good husband? I simply don't know yet. I've never been to his house so that still remains a mystery. He is also EXTREMELY busy with his business ventures and the care taking of his father which leaves little to no time for me. But, we have great conversations when we are together and share similar interests for sports, politics, and theater which really makes me want to continue the relationship. I also see how much time and energy he devotes to his father who is a diabetic and I really admire that. However....he did break-up with me in an email!

The short and long of it is we really don't know where to go with this. I have probably learned more about myself in this relationship than I have throughout past relationships. He may be moving to Phoenix to go to law school and is uncertain of a return to SD. In the email he sent last Wednesday, he encouraged me to date other men since he felt it was selfish on his part to ask me to wait while he gets his life together but at the same time, wasn't sure if he wanted to "end" our relationship. I'm an all or nothing girl meaning that I have enough things in my life to try and multitask like being a mom, student, employee and I don't think I could add dating numerous men to that equation. I either need to be in a relationship or not be in one and patience has never been my best virtue.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hello Lover

What does a girl do when she is dumped via-email?

SHE BUYS NEW SHOES...well at least this girl does.

I may still someday be the old lady down the street with lots of cats and lots of shoes....but they're fabulous shoes!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Weekend Review

We had a great weekend! Alex and I went to cheer on the local number 4 team (thanks Heidi) at the state tournament on Friday night. The boys won that night but lost in the championship game to place second in the state tournament. Way to go Bulldogs! They had an awesome season and we are all so proud of their accomplishments! Here are a few pictures from the game.

For some of us, the excitement was too much. Alex fell asleep on my lap during the final quarter.

On Saturday, my girlfriend Carrie and I did some Easter shopping, went out for dinner and had a few Appletini. It was awesome and thank you to my sister for watching Alex for the afternoon! They hung out, played some PS2, built a lego ship, and even managed to find a very pretty flower for mom.

On Sunday, Alex and I colored some Easter eggs

Final product

Made some Easter cupcakes
Sorry - we ate them before I could snap a picture

And we snuggled with the cat. I want to put a thought bubble over the cat's head, but not sure what the caption should be. He really doesn't have a happy look on his face.

I will post a picture of my new shoes tomorrow. They are fabulous!!! This weekend was just what I needed!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Who dumps someone via-email???

Monday, March 10, 2008


What a great weekend!!! Three rock-star women and myself journeyed to Omaha to see Keith Urban and Carrie Underwood at the Qwest Area. I've seen Urban three times know and maybe it was the awesome company I was with, but I think that it was the best show I've seen! I was exhausted when I arrived home on Sunday and thankfully my sister who stayed with Alex on Friday evening, stuck around Saturday and helped with Alex so I could get some R&R.
There is seriously so much to tell and I don't know where to start. Keith Urban played for over three hours!!! He is such an amazing talent and everytime that I see him, I appreciate him more. Here are a few pictures from the trip from Kerrie-cam and I know that she will have more.

Carrie Underwood's Shoes

My shoes on Kerrie

I did get engaged again at the concert to one of the security guards. He hasn't called yet so maybe the engagement is off but I'll keep you all informed. This is one of my favorite pictures from the night. Kerrie is itsy-bitsy sized and I look like the jolly-blond giant compared to her. I just couldn't get her to look me in the eyes all evening!