I really don't want my blog to sound like Carrie Bradshaw, but for awhile, it may because this seems to be what's going on in my life and I have no problem spilling the news in my life and soliciting the advice from strangers :)
I broke down and called "Bob the email guy" yesterday. I hadn't heard from him since the email heard around Madtown last Wednesday and I couldn't leave the relationship without a few last VERBAL words.
One of the things that we touched on was my desire to have more kids and his lack of time in the near future to really foresee that being a possibility. I have discussed my want to remarry and have more children because that is what I'm dating for. Isn't that WHAT you date for? Maybe I'm completely wrong and this would explain why I have been proposed to five times and married twice....I date for the prospect of getting married. I've never been in a dating relationship where we're just "hanging out". It seems senseless to me. I've been on dates where I prayed that I would slip into a comma so I didn't have to spend one more second with the guy I was with and they, to me, were easy ones to let go of. They may have been handsome, successful, or educated, but bored me to death and I need for a guy to be able to keep me intellectually stimulated.
Would he make a good husband? I simply don't know yet. I've never been to his house so that still remains a mystery. He is also EXTREMELY busy with his business ventures and the care taking of his father which leaves little to no time for me. But, we have great conversations when we are together and share similar interests for sports, politics, and theater which really makes me want to continue the relationship. I also see how much time and energy he devotes to his father who is a diabetic and I really admire that. However....he did break-up with me in an email!
The short and long of it is we really don't know where to go with this. I have probably learned more about myself in this relationship than I have throughout past relationships. He may be moving to Phoenix to go to law school and is uncertain of a return to SD. In the email he sent last Wednesday, he encouraged me to date other men since he felt it was selfish on his part to ask me to wait while he gets his life together but at the same time, wasn't sure if he wanted to "end" our relationship. I'm an all or nothing girl meaning that I have enough things in my life to try and multitask like being a mom, student, employee and I don't think I could add dating numerous men to that equation. I either need to be in a relationship or not be in one and patience has never been my best virtue.