There is seriously so much to tell and I don't know where to start. Keith Urban played for over three hours!!! He is such an amazing talent and everytime that I see him, I appreciate him more. Here are a few pictures from the trip from Kerrie-cam and I know that she will have more.

Carrie Underwood's Shoes

My shoes on Kerrie

I did get engaged again at the concert to one of the security guards. He hasn't called yet so maybe the engagement is off but I'll keep you all informed. This is one of my favorite pictures from the night. Kerrie is itsy-bitsy sized and I look like the jolly-blond giant compared to her. I just couldn't get her to look me in the eyes all evening!

what does one have to do to get invited to these girls trips? profess our love to you...or keith?
so glad you had fun! i love seeing the pictures.
We just need to get a big ole caravan leaving madtown for Urban-city. We could be like the "dead heads" but without the pot
You all look GREAT!
FUN, FUN, FUN! Your weekend was much better than mine. How cool for you all to get to go together to see such an awesome show!
How come I'm STILL laughing about Kerrie putting on your boots.
It looks like they cover Kerrie's whole leg!
I feel like she should have a thought bubble above her head that says "they call me puss....in boots"
LOL!! You and Amber CRACKED me up!!! That was some funny stuff.
When I opened this up and saw that picture, I about spit crystal light all over my key board. FUN-NY!
Thanks so much for coming and hanging out with us. We'll have to do it again!
BTW ... I don't remember getting an invite either.
That was indeed FUUUUUNNNN!
Keith was awesome. His band member was AWESOME. ~wink~
The company was awesome!!!
We'll have to do it again...
Looks like you all had a wonderful time!!
Looks like a fun time.
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