It was my baby brother Joshua's 21st birthday yesterday!! He, my sister and my father drove to my home for brunch and birthday cake. Here is a picture of my sister Jessica, my brother Josh and me.
Yes, we did make him a pink and purple birthday cake for his 21st and yes, he is smiling. For us who know and love Josh, that smile is the equivelant of him grinning from ear to ear. After birthday cake, we did keg stands and cherry bombs for his 21st. Kidding kidding kidding. Josh is a great kid and I'm very proud of the caring and compassionate person he has turned out to be.
LOL at pink and purple cake. I bet he loves having you both as sisters.
Happy 21st, Josh.
When I first saw this, I thought "Oh! Someone forgot to tell Josh to say cheeeeeeeeeese". Then you said 'that smile is the equivelant of him grinning from ear to ear'
So nevermind. :)
...and Happy Birthday, Josh!
I love the picture of the 3 of you!
I've been wondering where you have been....good to "hear" from you again!
Happy Birthday Josh!
LOVE the picture!
We've missed you!!
Thanks frazzled farm wife and trac!
Happy 21st Birthday Josh!
Love the cake...hehe!
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