You'd probably never believe that there are times I swear his head spins in a complete 360 degrees
We had a hurdle last night. Alex will challenge me on random things and last night, it was homework. It's never really about homework (or whatever the issue presents itself to be), but more of who's in charge in our home. Example - I told Alex to rewrite the words he spelled incorrectly on his spelling pretest three times. He insisted that he should only have to write them twice. REALLY - is writing the word one more time really that important? No, it's not...but the fact that he argues with me drives me crazy.
After sitting at the table for 40 minutes, he finally gave up and wrote the word "story" (he spelled it "store") three times. UG - it's exhausting. If there is one thing I hate about being a single parent, it has to be the fact that there is no back-up. There is nobody to talk to about whether you're doing the right thing or not, nobody to come in and say "listen to your mother, nobody to take over while you go outside and scream for 15 minutes. It may sound like I need to pick my battles a little better from this story; but Alex is one of those kids who if I let him write it twice one night, he would demand to only write it once the second night, then one time the third night, then fight me to not practice it the following night....get my drift? They could have coined the term "you give him an inch, he'll want a mile" after my dear sweet Alex.
And where did he receive this stubborn personality from anyway? I'm about the most easy going, laid back person on the earth. :-)
1 comment:
Seriously, was this story about Shayla or Alex?
I couldn't tell!
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