He took one look at the outfit and protested “mom, I’ll look like a dork!” I reassured him that he will look very handsome and sweet. Aunts, uncles, grandpa, and great grandparents will be displaying this picture proudly in their homes and it’s important that he looks his best I explained. In the back of my mind, however, I’m wondering how a child who can strut proudly out of the house with holes in his t-shirt, mismatched socks, floodwater pants, and his hair sticking up all over the place and feeling perfectly fine about himself can honestly accuse a button down shirt and a sweater vest of making him look like “a dork”
The argument ended with a very simple “I’m the mom, you’re the child, and this is what you’re wearing” and he complied….or so I thought. He had a look on his face when he left the car that concealed the mischievous plot he had in his mind.
That turkey removed the sweater vest the minute he arrived in the school! The look on his face reads “hurry before my mom catches me without that stupid sweater vest”
Oh, boy! He's starting young with the mischievious/devious stuff! :)
Andrea: I think it started around 6 months old
HA!! That's actually funny mom! Didn't you ever leave the house either to take something OFF or change your clothes because your mom or dad YOU ARE NOT WEARING THAT! hehe!
~I am still laughing~
That is hilarious!!! I remember when the style was to wear your pants rolled, no socks, and the little white canvas shoes. Well, my parents would NEVER let me leave the house in Jan. without socks and my pants rolled up so as soon as I got around the corner, off the socks went and up the pants went!!! I was so dumb back then! That is too funny!
I just can't get over: Like you were not going to find out?!?!
I mean come on, it's a picture for goodness sakes!
LOL! That is soooo funny!
The little stinker still looks very handsome! When he came back home from school that day, did he have the vest back on?
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