He's an eight-year old people!!! Sometimes it amazes me how much he has grown and how he is developing. Alex loves to make people smile and has an inventive sense of humor. He is strong willed and very persistent when determined - a characteristic that I know will make him a fiery force someday. He has a warm heart and an amazing ability to empathize with others. He loves classic cars, fishing, and golf * three things that must have been hardwired because I've had nothing to do with enforcing these interest.
I watched him wake up this morning. He still stretches his arms and smashes his face and if feels like I'm watching him wake up for the first time in his crib 8 years ago. He makes the same facial expression and the same sounds as he did as a baby and it melts my heart to know that no matter how old he gets, he will always be my baby.
Happy Birthday Alex! I love you always....
You got a DS? You rock! I totally want a DS!
Happy B-day Alex! Cool gift mom!
not fair. when other kids get cool things like this it totally makes my children believe that i stink at this mothering thing:0)
happy birthday ALEX.
Awwww...that was a cute post. Made me think about how fast our kids truly do grow up.
Cool present. Dawson wanted one of those for Christmas. He's going to have to wait until HIS birthday (in February).
You're awesome!!!
The DS is actually for me - but I had to disguise it as a birthday gift for Alex ;)
Happy Birthday, Alex. Don't let your mom hog the DS.
Happy Belated 8th Birthday Alex.
Derek just recieved a DS for his birthday.
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