Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Don't Look Under The Bed

I woke up at 2:36 this morning to Alex's cry.

He was sleep walking and crawled under my bed - (is it called "sleep crawling then) and couldn't figure out how to get himself out from under the bed

Don't believe the fools who say there is no such thing as monsters under the bed because Alex might be there waiting for you

Friday, February 13, 2009

The State Of Hockey

For those of you who have lived in a few different states, but refer to one as "home" know what I mean when I say Minnesota will always be "home" I get gitty when I approach the Twin Cities. However, this trip tried it's best to defer those happy feelings.

Not even 20 minutes into the trip, I was getting pulled the cops? No, by the Game Fish and Parks. I was puzzled - did I forget to renew my trout stamp? He approaches the car and says the reason he pulled me over was because I was driving erratically. That was when my son (who like his mother doesn't know when to keep the mouth closed) pipes up and says "she was speeding to". He took my license and ran it in the computer system. I was getting pretty annoyed so I called a fellow law enforcement buddy and asked "what can a GF&P guy do to me - they have as much authority as mall cops, right" My friend informed me that they have quite allot of authority - more than the "regular police" and it would be in my best interest to just sit down and shut-up" So, when he came back to my car and had me do a field sobriety test, I was more than cooperative. He let us go with a warning.

Two hours later I was pulled over by the Minnesota Hwy Patrol for passing on the right - he wasn't as friendly. Instead of a warning, he handed me $140 citation to help me remember.

So as we approached my cousin's home, I pulled out the directions my cousin Heather gave me that would lead me to their new home. The moved to a rural area of the Twin Cities - a beautiful quint essential Minnesota territory.....that really doesn't have street signs. As I pulled out the map, Alex sets his DS downs and says "Mom, is that a map?" I replied "Yes, Dave and Heather moved to a different home so these are directions to that home" Alex turns his head to glance out the window with a desperate look and mutters "Oh, Great"

After having to turn around a few times, we finally arrived!!! Here is a picture of Alex with my cousin Dave and his wife, Heather - who is only the most wonderful friend I've ever had!!

The reason for the trip wasn't only to see Dave & Heather, but a friend of mine is a talent scoot for the Minnesota Wild and hooked us up with some great tickets for Sunday's game against Edmonton.

(we had WAY to much fun with the foam claw - the people around us thought we were crazy I'm sure)

I love hockey and this game was an exciting one to watch!! Minnesota Goal...

The game was decided with an exciting shoot-out and.....WILD WON!

After the game, my friend took Alex to the locker room area to see the players and the behind the scenes look. Sorry, no pictures which I was disappointed with because those hockey guys are sexy machines.

A picture with the Wild Snoopy. NOTICE - how handsome Alex is in pictures where he's not sticking his tongue out...making a silly face....or just twarked off because mom has the camera out again

We also had to stop at Alex's aunt and uncles Terry and Kathy's home on our way out of St. Paul. We didn't leave until 8:30pm with a 4-hour drive ahead - but the extra time with family was worth it. Lots of coffee and red bull for the drive home

So that, our "Wild Trip". If you are a hockey fan, let me encourage you to take a trip to the Xcel Center in St. Paul to see a game. It's an awesome venue for hockey and the organization overall is a stand-up group - an I'm not just giving my friend a shout-out...that is a non-biased opinion.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

To Come....

I need to post pictures from the Wild game this past Sunday, but to give you a teaser, here is the Wild anthem. This song (and I'm dead serious) gives me goosebumps and brings a tear to my eye

And yes, as any Minnesota hockey fan will say...Norm Green Still SUCKS!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Need Cash?

At the breakfast table this morning.....

Alex: Mom, do you have any gold that you don't want anymore?

He and Ed McMahon can collaborate efforts for Cash for Gold - the power of advertising....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Crime Sceen

Before I continue with showing you pictures of the disturbing scene I woke up to this morning, let me first recap the fire alarm test from last week. Remember how excited I was? My moment had arrived...I approached the apple of temptation that had been calling my name since I first entered grade school. My hands were shaky as I prepared to pull the alarm. Then, the maintenance guy turned to me and said "you know that we shut off the noise and lights so when you pull the alarm, it won't do anything"

SAY WHAT? Why the heck do I want to pull an alarm that isn't going to make any noise? Go on...just pop my balloon. Fun killers

Now - on to today's crime scene

Warning - the images are very graphic

This is the scene I stumbled upon after wiping the sleep from my eyes this morning

My first suspect was Chewy

Don't let those big cute eyes fool you

I pulled him in for questioning. Chewy insisted his was Innocent, but after an interrogation and DNA test, it was discovered that the suspect still had toilet paper in his mouth

This case is closed and we can only pray that Chewy gives up his life of crime.