He was sleep walking and crawled under my bed - (is it called "sleep crawling then) and couldn't figure out how to get himself out from under the bed
Don't believe the fools who say there is no such thing as monsters under the bed because Alex might be there waiting for you
sleep crawling...HA!
My husband talks in his sleep. Not just talks to any person but wants to talk to ME. Of all people. The very first time it was pink power tools v. black power tools. Intriguing conversation. He gets pissed when I don't respond or tell him I don't know what he's talking about. It's quite comical. Most of the time.
Our rental house was haunted. that's a whole story in itself but there was one night, I was sound asleep. It was around 2:30 or 3:00 in the morning. He shot straight up out of bed screaming GET THE F*CK OUT OF MY HOUSE, WHO THE F*CK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, GO ON GET OUT OF HERE. Scared the sh!t out of me. He rolled over and went back to sleep.
I did not.
Oh! My! Goodness! ROFL!!! This would have scared the bejesus right out of me!!
Ahhh....poor thing!
Brooklyn is a sleep walker and it freaks me out! I always feel like she is looking right through me. Poor little guy.....glad you got the little monster out from under your bed!!! ;o)
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