Wake-up calls at 4:00am stinks - even if it is a wake-up call to leave for Mexico. I've learned another thing about my new family - they're morning people! All the kids and Bruce we're up and at em' at 4:10 while I searched for the nearest coffee pot. Rather then fighting to wake Alex up, I just picked him up, propped him on the luggage cart and rolled him to the shuttle. We're not morning people

We made our flight just fine and we were in the air for about 10 minutes before everyone was asleep. Well - everyone except the woman who sat next to Alex. No, I did not sit next to him on the plane, but I did sit in the row in front of him and I could hear he conversed with the woman on the plane for the entire 3 hour flight to Dallas. What would Alex find to talk about to a total stranger you ask? Well, that's easy. He told her about his dogs - kiki and chewy, he told her about his baseball team, about his grandpa, about his book, sir fartsalot, he told her about his new home in Aberdeen and about the Twins game.

We had a brief lay-over in Dallas so I decided to use the restroom - big mistake. As I was waiting in line with the woman who sat next to me in the airport, she turned to me and asked my permission to ask a question. I agreed, reluctantly, and she turned and asked "are you pregnant?"
I was shocked. I am not pregnant, but apparently appeared to be to this woman at the Dallas airport. I didn't want to sit with the awkwardness that would have followed if I had said no, I'm just fluffy, so I just said "yes". It just sort of fell out of my mouth. She began patting and rubbing my tummy and asked when my due date was set. Okay, now I just want to get out of this bathroom. Unable to think and glancing at my red face in the mirror, I said the first month that game to my mind - October.
We exchanged smiles and finally a stall opened up. I smiled and quickly waddled into the available stall and sat there stunned for a few minutes.
Seven-months pregnant? Seriously?? Bruce and I actually had a good laugh about it (well we laughed about it after he reassured me that I do not look pregnant and he thought I was beautiful about a million times) but just to leave the inquisitive Dallas woman speechless, I ordered a beer and pounded it quickly with her watching in complete horror - mwahahaha