I was a little nervous going into this vacation. It was the first time Bruce's kids have spent a significant amount of time together and I didn't know how everyone would handle this precious family time. We've all gotten along great up until this point, but a week together - who knows what could happen.
Alex attached himself to Jordan's (Bruce's oldest son) hip and thankfully, Jordan and his girlfriend Amber were okay with their little tag-along! After our first day on the beach, the kids realized the beach was a topless one when a European woman, slightly overweight, walked by with a cigar hanging from her mouth and her boobs hanging somewhere by her thighs. Amber made an "oh my" sort of noise when Alex looked at her and said "what are you grossed out by, that's one of your own kind.
We ventured into Playa del Carmen for some shopping and a trip to Senior Frogs - Bruce's favorite spot!
This mannequin on display looked familiar, but maybe it was our imagination
Pics from Senior Frogs
We stayed in Playa for most of the day and then headed pack to the resort for dinner reservations at a seafood joint. Alex, Jordan and Amber beat us back as they wanted to swim and hang out at the beach - well, Jordan and Amber wanted to hang at the beach, Alex wanted to chill at the ice cream bar for the afternoon. Anytime we lost track of Alex, we would look for him at the ice cream bar with Carlos - chatting it up and taking in every flavor of ice cream ever made
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