I've been jinxed when it comes to appliances in the past few months. My stove went out, my washing machine quit, and my vacuum broke...luckily, I hardly use the vacuum and the stove (kidding) but I need clean cloths. I didn't want to buy a new washing machine because who knows where I'll be in two years and since I'm just renting the home I currently live in, I figured that I would just buy a used machine and when I move out of the house, if I feel like donating it to the next renter, I'm not out a lot of money.
So I found a used washing machine for $70.00 and called my dad to ask if I could use his pick-up to hall the washing machine. He immediately started asking millions of questions and insisted that I let him look around for a better deal. Better deal than $70? Whatever I thought...I'll humor him.
He calls yesterday and says "I found a washing machine for you". "Great, How much" I asked. "It has all of the settings and can hold really large loads" "Great, How much" I asked. "The guy dropped the price and was really willing to negotiate"
Okay,,,he's obviously avoiding the price question and says that he is going to hall it to my house and hook it up for me.
I ended up spending an extra $200 which was sort of frustrating at the time, but when I was laying in my bed last night, I thought about how lucky I was to have a father who is so concerned about me that he would go out of his way like that to make sure that I have a reliable washing machine. He could have simply handed over the keys to the pick-up and not have given it a second thought, but he didn't. It took me a lot of years to understand that is how my father says I love you. He's not a sentimental man, not a man who is going to hand out hugs or verbalize how much he loves his children. He is strong, reliable, steady, and serene about most things in life. I've seen the man cry once in my entire life and that was when we were burying my mother. He cried for a while and then life a strong brazen wind, forged on.
So, dad, I know that you read my blog, and I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for always looking out for me, even when I think that I have things covered. Thank you for always loving me and always wanting to still take care of me. I love you