Whew - it has been awhile!!! Christmas was nice at the Lindner household. We were suppose to go back to Minnesota, but because of some nasty weather, Alex and I stayed home and celebrated in madtown. That was a bit of a let down, but we made the best of it. On Christmas Eve, Alex and I baked our Jesus birthday cake which is something we have done since Alex was a year old. On Christmas, we light the candles, sing Happy Birthday and eat birthday cake for breakfast. I think out of every tradition in our family, this is my favorite.
Alex got a Wii for Christmas so we played with that a lot over the break. We had a blast with the Wii sports - bowling, tennis, baseball - kept us pretty occupied.

Grandpa did make it to our house for some Christmas cheer which was awesome. He gave Alex a keyboard for Christmas and was showing him some made keyboard skill.

I did make it up to a University of Minnesota vs Ohio State game in January which was a blast. Minnesota won (now 15-1) Go Gophers!!!
Coach Tubby Smith
So that was our Christmas break - now back to normality. I start classes in a few weeks but they are all classes I've already taken but the University of South Dakota doesn't feel like giving me a degree until I have x-number of credits from their institution. I transferred from Minnesota with quite a few credits so I am trying to meet the university's requirements to graduate. Really burns me actually but I really have no option other than play along if I want to graduate. It's not retaking courses that burns me....I love going to class and learning and if I could find a way to make money off of it, I would quite my jobs and go to school full time. What burns me is spending the additional $1,000/class to retake and relearn something that I've already been through just because the university wants me to have half of my earned credits from their institution. Okay...I'll stop before I just on a soapbox
I LOVE your tradition of baking a cake and eating it for breakfast! I'm sure Alex likes it too!
YIPPEE - You're back! (Now I guess I should get to updating my blog!)
I've heard of those university requirements. So how many additional credits do you have to take to meet the requirments? Hopefully not too many! That really sucks having to pay that extra money especially considering the economy right now!
GREAT Christmas Eve/morning tradition!
I have to take 14 credits from USD to receive my degree from them - which will put me at like 160 some credits when only 130 some are required to graduate. The class/time isn't what bugs me...what else do I have to do in the evenings after Alex goes to bed....but what bugs me is paying for it! Ugh
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