Although I should be older and way more mature than this, I'm not. Each time I walk by a fire alarm, I want to pull it. Yep - that's right - I have to fight the temptation to pull the alarm and make a bunch of noise almost daily. I don’t want to see people panic, but it’s the forbidden apple * lights + noise + mischief = Amanda giggling. The "good Amanda" angel sitting on my right shoulder wins out daily by convincing me that it couldn't be very conducive to Alex’s upbringing if he has to pack "bailing his mom out of jail for pulling a fire alarm" into his memory bank.
However - we're having the alarms checked at work today and I talked the maintenance workers into letting ME be the one to pull the alarms!! Wahoo! We'll see if this gets it out of my system and I can go on living a crime-free productive life
I would love to see a giddy Amanda pulling fire alarms at work today.
Yes, it's the simple things in life....
Amanda, you're just too funny.
I don't ask for much in life....
i was just going to ask if you had ever pulled one as a kid! so cool that they let you at work as a BIG kid:0)
LOL....that's funny! I have the same urge on certain things too. At the Mall of America last summer there are buttons to stop the escalators and I had the urge to push one of the buttons but when I lifted the lid to do it, the thing started beeping so I just moved on up the escalator.
That is funny Amanda.
I'm glad you got to pull the fire alarm without getting into trouble.
So??? How was it??? Did you get it all out of your system? LOL.
That's EXACTLY how I felt when I did the siren test each month. I let those babies run, and run, and run. :)
I totally get it.
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