I seem to have a problem with bed bugs. The past few nights, I crawl into my bed, close my eyes, but wake up with a four-foot blond-haired bed bug.
He use to wake me up and I would walk him back to his bed, but now he just sort of slips in next to me. Alex is 8 ½ years old and probably too old to be crawling in bed with mom, right? Okay, the mom part of me loves when that little bed bug snuggles up to me in the mornings, but I’m afraid it’s not appropriate and/or healthy. He should be able to just stay in his bed and fall back to sleep without the comfort of mom....or at least in theory that is how it should happen. I probably relate me being a single mother to these problems way too frequently, but I just don't think he would be doing this if there was a dad in the house. For one thing, the bed would be too crowded, but I also wonder if Alex relies on ma too much. Did you know Elvis slept with his mom until puberty?
Okay…getting off track. He’s too old to be waking up and crawling into mom’s bed, but how do I get him to stop? I’m thinking restraints on the bed might violate some child protection code. It doesn't help that I'm a very hard sleeper. Once my head hits that pillow, a pack of elephants could successfully rampage our house and I would just stay in slumber land.
I don't think it's single parenthood. My little dude has been doing the same thing lately. (As in, for the past 1-1/2 months.) I wake up (most of the time) when he comes in to our room, but then I'm way too tired to take him back to his room. I'll let you know if I ever stop being so lazy.
btw ... some child sleep experts suggest hanging jingle bells on your door knob so you hear it when your child enters the room at night. But if you're a heavy sleeper, you might not notice that either. Hmmmm....
I had a little guy doing that on occasion as well. We just had to take him back to his bed every time he came into our room. If Mark wasn't in bed...I would just leave him there. Actually Dawson sleeps with me when Mark is gone. It's going to be a long deployment in September. ;)
I'd just incorporate the jingle bells into my dream. Perhaps Patrick Dempsey and I on a romantic sleigh ride...
Raena sneaks in at least once a week...and Shayla probably once a month. But either way, I don't shoo them away because soon they'll be too old to do that and I'll WISH they would!
LOL @ you and Patrick Dempsey on a romantic sleigh ride.
(well, the comment; not the dream)
My 17 year old daughter still slips into our room occasionally...did it several times while her dad was recoveing from his shoulder surgery and sleeping in the chair. I think it's just stages they go through.
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