At first, it was cute. He would pick up a blouse with his teeth and slink to another room with his treasure, keeping his eyes on us the entire time to see if we’re going to catch him in the act. Socks, underwear, shirts – they were all little prizes Chewy tried to take and hide.
It’s no longer cute. Chasing the dog and playing tug-a-war with my pantyhose in the morning is no longer enhancing this little puppy’s appeal. We take him outside in the mornings to potty, and we’ve just started leaving him out there while we quickly get dressed. So, if you drive by our house around 7:00 am and there is a dog outside staring down the door wishing he had thumbs so he could let himself in, there is probably a mom scrambling to get dressed before her dog runs off with her cloths inside that house.
We invested in a kennel and dog house for similar reasons.
Sydney's favorite thing to do in the night is get ice cubes and a drink of water from the front door of the fridge. About 3:00 in the morning you'd hear her slurp up thelast of the water in her dish and move to the fridge door. Tink, tink, tink. She'd whack the lever with her nose and try to drink the water before it hit the floor. She'd push ice cubs all over the house. I'd go out in the morning and we'd have a river flowing from the kitchen to the living room.
She's now an outside dog. named him Chewy for a reason!
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