Monday, January 25, 2010

Vikings Fatal Mistake

ESPN commentators may drone on regarding how the Vikings lost yesterday, but if you want to know the real reason, take a listen to this….

Thanks Prince!!!! I hope you're happy!

Friday, January 22, 2010

I can't take it some mornings....

Alex has never been a “morning” person. He really needs to have about 15-20 minutes (no joke) to himself to just gather his thoughts before joining the world. However, most mornings I have to deprive him of his tranquility as I also am not a morning person and we’re rushing out the door to get to school/work.

He’s finding new and creative ways to stay in bed

This morning, he informs me that he isn’t feeling well. It took one look at him to know that he was fine, but to appease him, I checked his fever which was a healthy 98.4. I told him his fever was fine and he needs to go to school.

He replies “I hid my fever because I didn’t want you to worry”

Oh he is good!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


My beautiful cousin just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy weighing 8lb 4oz 20in. What a blessing!

Congratulations Dave and Heather

Love you both!!

Vikings Video - Too Funny!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Christmas Pictures

I know - Christmas is a distant memory, but I'm just getting around to posting pictures. Alex and I had a wonderful holiday. On Christmas Eve, we baked and decorated the birthday cake for baby Jesus

We had a wonderful dinner, attended the Christmas Eve candlelight service (which always makes me cry) and then time to open some presents.

Christmas day brought lots...and lots....and lots of snow so Alex and I stayed in our pj's all day playing wii, watching movies and eating all sorts of goodies!

After my pitty party regarding my family, I realized how much love I do have inside my own home. I am so incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful son - he makes my heart melt everyday!