Monday, October 25, 2010

Haley Turns 15

We celebrated this beautiful girl's 15th birthday this past Saturday

Even the dogs wanted to get Haley a gift!

After eating tons of cake, per Haley's request, we went to see Paranormal Activity 2 - and I hate scary movies. I don't understand why anyone would pay to have the life scared out of them. I've been married twice - that's scary enough.

I made it through about 20 minutes before I ditched the group to go see Jackass in 3D - which was equally as stupid but I didn't have to sleep with the light on after the movie

Anyway, back to Halley....she is about as fabulous as any 15 year old can be. She's smart and funny - and positively stunning. She is her father's baby and those big brown eyes could melt anyone's heart. I love her artistic side and how she refuses to follow with the trends of her school mates and chooses to march to the beat of her own drum. Happy birthday Haley - and lots of love


Alex doesn't want to dress up for Halloween because "it's for babies"

I'm not ready for him to be done with the trick-or-treating event! Don't I have a say in this? I mean come on....32 hours of labor should entitle me to dress him up as Pooh Bear until he's in his 20's....right?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cha Cha Cha Changes

Alex is not a child who likes changes, and he loves to be a challenges for his mother. Everyday for the first month of him attending his new school, he would remind me of how much he misses Madison and how much he hates his new school. Everything his teacher would ask him to do, he would reply "I didn't have to do that in Madison so I'm not doing it here"

Then in the evening, he would defy everything I asked of him. For two weeks, he didn't have games, friends, TV - any privileges at all. One evening, he came out of his room with his bags packed and told me he's moving in with Jordan - Bruce's 18-year old who lives in the dorms on his college campus. When I told him you have to be in college to live in the dorm, he told me he would just go into foster care until he could live with Jordan.

Every night for about three weeks-a month, this was our life.

Thank GOD things have turned around. He's loving his school and getting accustomed to the religious aspect of his new curriculum and the requirements. He has made some really great friends who have invited him to slumber parties and games - as well as a little girl, Sam, in his class who asked him to be her date for an upcoming dance.

I am so grateful things have started to turn around. Bruce does such an awesome job with him as well - which has been so incredible as I don't know if I could have made it through this transition without his support. I'm sure there will still be little bumps in the road, but I finally feel good about the road he's on