Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Is Here!

Have we turned the corner? Is spring really here?

Alex and I have been busy with....well with life I guess. Alex is doing so well in school and I couldn't be more proud of his accomplishments. Last year, Alex's teacher had alerted me of possible ADHD and sensory integration disorder. He was doing well in school, but his teacher was worried about problems in the future due to the fact he seemed to have a difficult time paying attention in the classroom. This year - no problems and Alex is even excited to go to school and he does his homework without an argument. Reading is still his least favorite, but he works very hard!

I'm taking 15 credits this semester. Yes....I said 15 which allows little time for a social life outside of work. However, I will be done after this semester and I'm planing on taking my GMAT in September (fingers crossed)

Alex and I paid a visit to my sister this weekend who was babysitting for a friend.

Tyson telling Gunner (my sisters dog) to stay away from his cookie!

This is what Tyson thought of Amanda telling him "no". Alex replied "mom, aren't you glad I never pouted?" Sigh, how quickly they forget....

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Driving to Minnesota this past weekend, Alex saw a that read "Gezer Rental"

He said "Mom, look...that place is called Geezer Rental. I bet you can rent old people there."

I had hoped to guide him to a logical conclusion where he realized "Geezer Rental" doesn't exist. So I replied "Alex, why would someone rent and old person"

He looked at me and exclaimed "Hello mom....handicapped parking"

Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekend Fun in Minnesota

Alex and I had the most fabulous weekend....and here are the pictures to prove it! We kicked the weekend off with mom finishing her last midterm on Friday night and Alex wrapping up his basketball season Saturday morning

Then off to Minnesota to snuggle with the newest member of our family, Ryan Henry

Alex with his cousin Ryan

They melt my heart

Ryan is perfect and so incredibly sweet!! I loved every minute with him. On Sunday - it was time for some Golden Gopher Basketball! Alex and I love our college basketball and we had a blast watching the men's team beat Iowa

I love having shared interest with Alex and now that he's old enough to really follow the game and get into it, he and I have so much fun cheering for our beloved Golden Gophers. We have a date set for Thursday evening to enjoy dinner at the local sports grill to watch the Gophers take on Penn State. Thankfully, our local restaurant subscribes to the Big Ten network!

After the game, we stopped to see another addition to our family, Hazel Mae

She's so beautiful! Even though she was tired, she flashed me some smiles and allowed me to love her up for a few minutes! Aunt Terry and Kathy are very special to me - they started me on my road to earn my education, they've been the best influences for Alex, and they've guided me through so many disasters. It makes me so happy to see them become "Nana and Papa"

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pop Quiz

How many times can Alex text message mom while she is taking a midterm?

Answer - 32 times

Yes, during an two-hour long midterm, Alex sent me 32 text messages

Granted, they were pressing question. Questions like "when am I going to eat" "when will you be done" "I think I need to go to the bathroom" "I want to go play basketball now" "I'm still hungry" "Did you remember when we were in California last summer - that was fun" "I got an A on my spelling test" "I'm still hungry"

32 text messages