I'm so excited!!! My friend Michael....as some of you might remember as the email dumper guy....is going to be in Vegas for a football draft. We haven't seen each other in months and he asked if I could meet him in Vegas. With money being so tight right now because of lawyers bills, I declined. However, he offered to pay for everything and the voices screaming in my head saying "I need a vacation" overruled the "this is completely inappropriate" voices in my head!!!
So, in seven days, I'll be flying to Vegas. It's not only the vacation that I am excited about - I do miss him and am very excited to see him!
Now...on to more important issues like....what do I wear?
Hope you enjoy your vacation! Do you think you'll have room in your suitcase for me??? :) I promise to be very quiet! And stay out of your way...
LOL - you would not beleive the anxiety I'm having over "what to wear" so I'm pretty much packing my closet but I'm sure I can fit you in there :)
I usually say more is better! Honestly, it drives my hubby nuts when we go on trips (even a weekend) bc I pack LOTS. You just never know what you're going to feel like wearing when you wake up. When we head out this weekend for a three day trip, I'll probably have a minimum of six outfits and 4 pairs of shoes!
How fun.....I bet you are so excited!!
Very nice....I sure hope you enjoy yourself, you are so due to have a good time! I can't help you in what to wear because I am fashion challenged and my daughter will be the first one to agree with me on that one!
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